Monday, January 23, 2012

I'm Not Who You Need Me to Be

I'm not who you thought....

I'm royally tired of living the life..supressing my thoughts, living in the little box other people seem to set me in. I'm ready to shine. I'm warning you..I'm NOT who you need me to be, I'm rarely who you want me to be. I will fail you. I'm not you. I can't be described and I won't be contained. I'm traveling a path to becoming myself and if you would like to join on the journey be prepared. I don't even understand myself so how can you? I'm not who you need me to be. I'm tired of holding in my feelings out of fear of others finding out who I really am. I am woman..hear me roar! I will not sit quiet. In fact I wont even sit still. I don't have all the answers but I'm not traveling this path alone. I don't claim to know who you are or what choice you should make, nor do I care to take that upon myself. I'm no expert. I don't want to be. I want to be me. The me I was created to be. I want to spew out thoughts I have been surpessing for so so long. Watch out and stand back, they won't be what you thought. I'm not afraid to question. I'm not afraid to dig in and work hard. I'm not afraid to let loose and not think at all. I'm not afraid to feel with all of my heart. I'm not afraid to not know. But more importantly I'm not who you need me to be. I'm not heartless, or careless. I'm me. I'm not who you need me to be.....

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